When I started this blog, the intention is always to write a more up-lifting story, and share more happy endomorphism throughout the Internet community.
Recently, Nuffnang, the great community that creates opportunities for passion bloggers like me to try to make big bucks in life teams up with Digi, whom I am a loyal customer, is offering a chance to win the iPhone!
I am not normally the forerunner nor early adopter of technology gadgets in my life, but all the fiesta about friends and family taking numbers and lining up for the iPhone which was being launch just a couple days ago do leave me intrigue.
I did a few googling and notice that Digi does offer the best iPhone package in town, which starts from RM58 only. The Yellow Man did it again! In terms of value in making calls, price of the contracts, sms, mms, and the price of the phone, Digi seems to be the smarter choice. Take a peek at this post!
Well, iPhone is cool...I always like the aesthetic design sense of Apple, however the expensive price of a leading technology does put me off sometimes. With Digi, I guess most gadgets enthusiast or even the late adopter like me can be in the front line of experiencing this innovation with more affordable price! This is how life should be, because I am worth it! LOL!