Tuesday, September 30, 2008

甜言密語( 男人女人必看推薦)

我已 成了謝太太了
就「一拍即合」 結婚去!誰怕誰呀!


炒菜忘了加鹽巴,他說 :「少鹽少油多長壽啊。」

和妳的臉蛋多麼相襯啊 ,我幫你們照一張。」

正在喝湯的媽媽聽了,差點一口噴出 ,
妹妹更笑得無法繼續吃飯< lang="ZH-TW" style="'FONT-SIZE:">

一邊讚嘆 :「多麼柔軟細嫩的小手啊 。」

難怪妹妹說:「姊夫真是典型的『 眼精皮被牛屎糊住』的人。」
老公在旁插嘴 :「您弄錯了,最漂亮的已經被我娶走了。」
小妹抗議:「 姊夫睜眼說瞎話的功力,誰也比不上啦。」



細火慢燉好滋味 甜蜜婚姻已20

我說:「小時候我最喜 歡吃它的花心了。」
「難怪妳會變成大美 人,原來是吃美人蕉長大的呀。」

在漫長婚姻生活中 ,甜言蜜語只能當作點綴,
睡覺前,老公一定搶先跳上床,把我的位置躺暖了 ,
「 古時候有二十四孝,你這是第幾孝呀 ?」

走路也不再彎腰駝背,而是如空姐般閃現自信的光采 。

輕聲說 :「為什麼我總是如此迷戀著妳 ?」
「為什麼結婚二十年了,你的甜言蜜語還是說不完 ?」


2007/01/10 聯合報】

不僅老公該對老婆灌迷湯 ,老婆也該回饋老公甜言蜜語, 稱讚老公為家的辛勞付出;
既然兩人決定共同扶持過生活, 說好聽的話增進彼此生活情趣, 不花一毛錢又可和樂融融,
皆大歡喜 ,何樂而不為呢 !
存好心 ,說好話, 做好事,; 為值得的人做值得的事

uhm, it's not easy to meet such a person, this lady in the article is so lucky.
God bless!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wall Street Journal on MY politics

Uhm...didn't know that Malaysia politics will appear at the WSJ...this is interesting...it looks like the politics in our country really create the attention in the oversea market...this is an excerpt from the Wall Street Journal and it's rather reported objectively...no hint of bias here...it's great...i just hope if there's any change in regime, please make it a peaceful one...we don't want the history of 1969 to happen again...God bless Malaysia....

It's Autumn at Tokyo

This will be my first experience of autumn in Tokyo...Today the weather drop down to 21 Celsius...that's really cold...but I swear it's colder than that when the wind blow...especially with the downpour this morning that continue to the evening, after my class...

Was wearing my cool looking coat for winter actually...to school and my classmates was like looking at me and laughing like hell...haha...well...I'm really cold, are you kidding me...my tolerance level I guess it's around 23 Celsius...without the wind blowing of course...which is impossible...

God bless the earth and weather please...sometimes the weather seems to be so unpredictable that I really think the accolopsy/Armageddon is coming...religious or not...think if we don't take precaution to take care of the earth...it's not going to last any longer...I have already nieces/small kids who questions about the existence of real life chicken other than the one they eat-KFC...uhm...that's just sad...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Trip to East Garden, Tokyo

East Garden by the lake
Magnificent trees
Great surrounding
On a stroll with fellow classmates
How much more beautiful can it be?

Foundation week is nearing to an end this Friday...it has been a fresh week where the weight of the study actually bored down on us...I need to really examine myself and overcome the shyness to speak in class as our class participation really contribute to our grade...I am not so used to this system...can't say I like it...yea...who like changes...I guess no one does...have to try...

Anyway, there's a park that is near our school...about 5-10 minutes walk and it's absolutely gorgeous...if my daily schedule isn't so pack then, I would really love to take a study break or even study here...

On that matter, why do people go for grad study? Do they actually want to learn something? Take a break from work or just want to have fun? I used to think that learning is fun but not after our foundation week...it seems like the school is very rigid in certain thing...Grade is something near to my heart but it all seems so fragile now...

Finger cross...pray for me u guys...really need that now...School officially start next week...

Saturday, September 20, 2008




有一天在捷運站,看到一對正在爭吵的情侶,可能已經糾纏了不少時候 。



母親曾說:「妳哥哥啊!有口無心,問我要什麼生日禮物 ,我說不用了,他就真不買了,他太太生日就送了顆鑽戒。」





「生什麼氣?妳不就為了要禮物?錢不都在妳那裡嗎 ?我也沒限制妳花用,自己去買就是!」

「不用了,妳快點做功課,早做完早睡,每天拖那麼晚 ,身體都搞壞了。」





Friday, September 19, 2008

Coming back to you

I really like this Macy Gray's song, it's also in my playlist...click on it and have a good relaxing time...here's the lyrics...

I've made some changes on my favorite part...

Wonder what the future brings.
Fortune tellers and time machines.
I predict what they'll predict for me:
that men will never be satisfied and we'll be going out for more...

It's true, men will never be satisfied and we are always going out for more...It has been a great 2 days team building session with my fellow classmates at Takao, Japan...we did all the crazy stunt that we normally wouldn't do and it's great...

We also have a brief introductory sessions of all 57 of our classmates and it's incredible...I'm really very impressed with all my classmates...they are all very much internationally and cross culturally diversified...and a distinguished/excellence track record of intelligence and smartness...hopefully I will be able to contribute as much as I would be able to learn from them...

Thank you lord, for this opportunity to study in Japan...this is really great...thank you...

Original lyrics...
Ive been here before.
I'll be back for more.
Maybe this time I can stay
forever more,
forever more.
Wonder what the future brings.
Fortune tellers and time machines.
I predict what they'll predict for me:
that I keep coming back to you,
(coming back to you),
I keep (coming back to you),
I keep (coming back to you),
hey, I'm (coming back to you).
One day they'll get it right.
I will live and I will die.
A million times, as long as you are mine,
I keep coming back to you,
(coming back to you),
I keep (coming back to you),
I keep (coming back to you),
I keep (coming back to you).
Go back and go ahead, over again I'll meet you, baby.
Tomorrow, yesterday's impossible to leave you, baby.
Any way and ev'ry day,
I'll take you baby.
They call it deja vu, but I'm, I'm just in love with you.
(They call it deja vu, but I'm, I'm just in love with you.)
(They call it deja vu, but I'm, I'm just in love with you.)
(I'm just in love with you.)
(Forever more.)
(I'm just in love with you.)
Keep coming back to you.
(Been here before.)
Coming back to you.
(Back for more.)
Coming back to you.
(Maybe this time I can stay.)
Coming back to you.
(Coming back to you, coming back to you.)
(Coming back to you.)
Over and over again.
I've been here before.
I'll be back for more.
Maybe this time I can stay.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Japan's university ranking

With fellow classmates at Shinjuku, Japan.

Japan's university ranking

It's really good to see the university I am attending appear in the ranking. Am at Tokyo now, hopefully will have the wisdom and courage to live a meaningful life here.

God bless you guys!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Quotes of the day

Great sharing here...wish we can apply them in this real world.

My name

What Limhuisi Means

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.

And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.

You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas (1995)

Think I watched this on tv when I was in high school...didn't know this movie actually garnered so many awards back then. I didn't think this movie is really that good but it does got me thinking. My summary of this movie is love=need and the ultimate love is the kind of love like what a parent show his/her children...no matter how bad the situation go or how things turn out to be, we still want the best for them. The kind of need that transcends the need for you to change the person, that you will still love him/her for what they are, for better or worse, irregardless of where or who they are, near or apart...and the feeling that your world will not be complete or is tasteless, senseless without them...that's what love is, and should be.


Ben Sanderson, an alcoholic Hollywood screenwriter who lost everything because of his drinking, arrives in Las Vegas to drink himself to death. There, he meets and forms an uneasy friendship and non-interference pact with prostitute Sera.


This is another great movie. Won and nominated for several awards...a must see movie...bit quirky and unusual...not the normal commercial movie that you would expected. Great!

Amélie is the story of Amélie Poulain, a girl who grows up isolated from other children. Raphaël, her taciturn, antisocial ex-Army doctor father, mistakenly believes that she suffers from a heart condition (a mistake, in fact, resulting from the increase in her heartbeat caused by the rare thrill of physical contact with her father, who only ever touches her during medical check-ups). Her mother Amandine, a neurotic schoolteacher with shaky nerves, sees to Amélie's education. Amandine dies when Amélie is young, the victim of a freak accident involving a suicidal Québécoise woman who throws herself off the top of Notre Dame Cathedral and lands on Amélie's mother. Raphaël withdraws even further as a result, and devotes his life to building a rather eccentric shrine in the garden in Amandine's memory, which houses her ashes. Left to amuse herself, Amélie develops an unusually active imagination.

When she grows up, Amélie becomes a waitress in a small Montmartre café, The Two Windmills, run by a former circus performer. The café is staffed and frequented by a gang of eccentrics. By age 22, life for Amélie is simple; having spurned romantic relationships following a few failed efforts, she has devoted herself to simple pleasures, such as dipping her hand into sacks of grain, cracking crème brûlée with a teaspoon, skipping stones across St. Martin's Canal, trying to guess how many couples in Paris are having an orgasm at one moment ("Fifteen!", she informs the camera correctly), and letting her imagination roam free.

L'épicerie of Monsieur Collignon, Rue des Trois Frères, Paris, used as a film location
L'épicerie of Monsieur Collignon, Rue des Trois Frères, Paris, used as a film location

Her life begins to change on the day that Princess Diana dies. After hearing the news of her death on television, Amelie drops her perfume bottle cap, knocking loose a bathroom wall tile. Behind the loose tile she finds an old metal box of childhood memorabilia hidden by a boy who lived in her apartment decades ago. Fascinated by the find, she resolves to track down the now-grown man who put it there and return it to him, making a deal with herself in the process: if she finds him and it makes him happy, she will devote her life to bringing happiness to others.

She meets her reclusive neighbour, Raymond Dufayel, a painter who continually repaints Luncheon of the Boating Party (Le Déjeuner des canotiers) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He is known as 'the Glass Man' because of his brittle bone condition. With his help, she tracks the former occupant down, and places the box in a phone booth, ringing the number as he passes to lure him there. Upon opening the box, the man, moved to tears, has an epiphany as long-forgotten childhood memories come flooding back. She trails him to a nearby bar and observes him secretly. On seeing the positive effect she had on him, she resolves from that moment on to do good in the lives of others.

Amélie becomes a secret matchmaker and guardian angel, executing complex but hidden schemes impacting the lives of those around her with subtle, arm's-length manipulation, leading to several sub plots and episodes. She escorts a blind man to the Metro station, giving him a rich description of the street scenes he passes. She persuades her father to follow his dream of touring the world by stealing his garden gnome and having an air-hostess friend send pictures of it from all over the world. She matches a co-worker with one of the customers in the bar. She convinces the unhappy concierge of her building that the husband who abandoned her had in fact sent her a final love letter just before his death. She supports Lucien, the young man who works for Mr. Collignon, the bullying owner of the neighbourhood green grocer. By playing practical jokes on Collignon she undermines his confidence until he questions his own sanity.

However, while she is looking after others, Mr Dufayel is observing her and begins a conversation with her about his painting. He has repeatedly painted the same piece because he cannot quite capture the excluded look of the girl drinking a glass of water. They repeatedly discuss the meaning of this character and although it is never explicitly said, she comes to represent Amélie and her lonely life. Through their discussions Amélie is forced to examine her own life and her attraction to a stranger, a quirky young man who collects the discarded photographs of strangers from passport photo booths, with whom she has never spoken. She begins to observe him from a distance and is on the scene to pick up his photo album when he drops it in the street. She discovers his name is Nino Quincampoix, and she plays a cat and mouse game with him around Paris before eventually anonymously returning his treasured album; however, she is too shy to actually approach him, and almost loses hope when, having finally attempted to orchestrate a proper meeting, she misinterprets events when he enters into a conversation with one of her co-workers. It takes Raymond Dufayel's insightful friendship to give her the courage to overcome her shyness and finally meet with Nino, and the two begin a relationship.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Into the Wild (2007)

This is a real story...sometimes we are too selfish that we keep on thinking what people did wrong to us, how people mistreat us, how unfair the world is and we just want to leave all this behind and start on our own journey, the way we want it, the way it's meant to be...to find out own happiness...

Somehow, we will not be able to find that happiness, the way we want it anywhere...sometimes our happiness is just around us, not somewhere far away. We just need to realize that and start changing our perception on thing...true, we feel happy leading the life the way we want...but true happiness is not just about us, it's about sharing your life and making it meaningful to the people around you also...True happiness is when you know that people whom you love and love you the most are happy too...this is what and how I feel after 27 years in this world...sometimes it's hard...because each of us has our selfish side to take care of, but it's true...we just need to remind ourselves once in a while...

The movie below is just another moment in life that will remind us about that. God bless!

A young man leaves his middle class existence in pursuit of freedom from relationships and obligation. Giving up his home, family, all possessions but the few he carried on his back and donating all his savings to charity Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch) embarks on a journey throughout America. His eventual aim is to travel into Alaska, into the wild, to spend time with nature, with 'real' existence, away from the trappings of the modern world. In the 20 months leading up to his Great Alaskan Adventure his travels lead him on a path of self-discovery, to examine and appreciate the world around him and to reflect on and heal from his troubled childhood and parents' sordid and abusive relationship. When he reaches Alaska he finds he has been insufficiently prepared for the hardships to come. Despite making it through the winter his plan is ill-judged and prepares to return home in spring, only to find the stream he crossed in the snow has become an impassable raging torrent and that he is trapped. With no means of sustaining himself adequately he eventually starves to death in his so sought after isolation. Throughout his epic journey the people he meets both influence and are influenced by the person he is and bring him to the eventual and tragic realisation that "Happiness is only real when shared".

Affiliate Marketing Blog by Shawn Collins

Tips from Shawn.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing, here is a page where you can watch video for tips on how to get started in affiliate marketing.

The author suggested blogging to get started in affiliate marketing. In the video, different tools and costs to get started with a small budget in affiliate marketing is shown.

There are several links in the blog where you can get extra information on affiliate marketing. As of now, there are 50 responses from the visitors to this page and mainly their comments are mostly very good and encouraging.

Positives comments received.

So, what are you waiting for? Someone has to start somewhere, sometime...

Here's where you should start and do it now coz $$$ wait for no one and no harm in adding new knowledge to your brain... :)

Click on Affiliate Newbies to find out more.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Deja Vu (2006)

This is a very good film...weird...nowadays I keep on "bumping" into good movies...well with Denzel Washington...what can go wrong right?! Enjoy....good soundtrack too!

In Algiers, New Orleans, after the explosion of a ferry transporting the sailors from the USS Nimitz and their families with 543 casualties, the lonely AFT agent Doug Carlin is assigned to investigate the terrorist attack. Without any lead, he is informed by Sheriff Reed about a corpse of a woman that was found one hour before the explosion, but burnt with the same explosive. He is invited by FBI Agent Pryzwarra to join the surveillance team leaded by Jack McCready in the investigations, using a time window and Einstein-Rosen bridge through seven satellites to look back four and half days in time. He discloses the identity of the mysterious dead woman called Claire Kuchever and decides to follow her last moments trying to find the criminal. Along the surveillance, Doug falls in love for Claire and tries to change destiny, saving her life. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pride and Prejudice

I really appreciate the movie version more than the book...
The movie paint a more fast paste, no nonsense and more colorful character than portrayed in the original book version...
Mind you, I was so caught up in classical novel written by Jane Austin that I was once commented by my class teacher that my English essay was a bit too "old" for her taste...anyway, I still like the book, just that I can't find any fault in the movie version too...


Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an english gentleman living in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife. The Bennets 5 daughters; the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependant on the daughters making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighbourhood of the rich gentleman Mr Bingley, who rents a large house so he can spend the summer in the country. Mr Bingley brings with him his sister and the dashing (and richer) but proud Mr Darcy. Love is soon in the air for one of the Bennet sisters, while another may have jumped to a hasty prejudgment. For the Bennet sisters many trials and tribulations stand between them and their happiness, including class, gossip and scandal. Written by Dom

The Holiday

Great movie-great story plot, strong casting and great soundtrack…

In London, Iris Simpkins write a wedding column in a newspaper and has an unrequited love for her colleague Jasper Bloom. Nearby Christmas, she is informed that Jasper is engaged and will marry another colleague, and her life turns head over heels. In Los Angeles, the movie-trailers maker Amanda Woods has just broken with her unfaithful boyfriend Ethan and wants to forget him. Amanda access a house exchange website, and impulsively swaps her mansion for Iris' cottage in Surrey for the holiday along the next two weeks. While in Surrey, Amanda meets Iris' brother and book editor Graham and they fall in love for each other. Meanwhile Iris meet her next door neighbor, the ninety year old screenplay writer Arthur, who helps her to retrieve her self-esteem, and the film composer Miles, and they fall in love for each other. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil