Sunday, August 31, 2008

Miscellaneous of Cambodia

Cambodia style burger- with French bread, barbecue meat and some prickled vegetables...not the bread to death...
Itchy bitchy spider...for snack...
Pnomp Penh's vegetables and meat 'pau', much like the Malaysian one.

The Cambodia Daily...

Pnomp Penj King's residents...

Cultural village performance...peacock dance...
The sunlight shone through the ruins of Siem Riep's Angkor Wat...magnificent...

The ruin's of Angkor Wat...mild dew moss on the rocks...this is how it looks like before the workers piled them up and build Angkor Wat...incredible...

Statues at Angkor Wat

Siem Riep's Angkor Wat

Incredible architecture of the old...impressive isn't it?
This is just part of the wall...

Thank you

Dad, who come all the way from Malacca to treat me and give me very big ang pao...

Colleagues from work...
Big family at work
Family at KL home
Junior at Campus time
Mum & I

This post is dedicated to all my families and friends who in recent months has make me feel overwhelm with love...yes overwhelm is the word to use..."To affect deeply in mind or emotion"...

All the free lunches, dinners, gifts, lovely words of greetings offering encouragements, friendships, love, it just make me feel momentarily stunt and incapable of reacting to all these positive emotions/things...

I wish everyone will get what they want in life and for the one I love and those for love me for being just me, thank you, do take care of yourself. Keep in touch.

P/S: I'm missing some of my dear friends photos, however you know who you are and I do keep every photos of you in my mind and heart...

Thanks a lot for making my days!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A memorable Sunday out

My Family at KL, my housemates and roommates.
Karaoke with friends...the one holding the cake is the birthday girl.
Housemates playing trick on me before giving a present...
Tiger and Calrsberg for the night.
Champagne for the birthday celebration...

Gone Baby Gone

This is a very good movie...

The tough private eye Patrick Kenzie was raised in a poor and dangerous neighborhood of Boston, and works with his partner and girlfriend Angie Gennaro generally tracking missing losers in debt. When the four year-old Amanda McCready is abducted from her apartment, her aunt Beatrice 'Bea' McCready calls the police and the press, and the case is highlighted with the spots by the media. Then Bea hires the reluctant Patrick to work in the case because he is not a cop and based on his great knowledge of their neighborhood. Meanwhile Capt. Jack Doyle, who lost his own daughter many years ago and is in charge of the investigation, assigns detectives Remy Bressant and Nick Pole to give the necessary support to Patrick. After interviewing the addicted low life mother of Amanda, Helene McCready, Patrick goes to a bar and discloses that Helene was on the streets with her boyfriend Skinny Ray Likanski dealing and using drugs on the day Amanda disappeared. Along his investigation, Patrick faces smalltime criminals, drug dealers, pedophiles and corruption, facing a moral issue to solve the case. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




鵑鵑保持她一貫的優雅從容,靜靜的說:「照顧媽媽是我的福氣。 」原本為她打抱不平的我們,聽了這句話,頓時沉默起來。


在我們這一群朋友中,開始流行一種句型:「 能多做一點是我的福氣。
孩子不聽話,耐著性子引導他是我的福氣。 擠公車沒位子坐是我的福氣。





接著告訴丈夫:「你錯了, 他不是全郡最壞的男孩,而是最聰明,只是還沒找到發洩熱忱地方的男孩。」






老人反問道:「假如現在斬掉你一個手指頭,給你 1千元,你幹不幹?」 「不幹。」年輕人回答。
「假如砍掉你一隻手,給你 1 萬元,你幹不幹?」
「假如使你雙眼都瞎掉,給你 10 萬元,你幹不幹?」
「假如讓你馬上變成80 歲的老人,給你 100 萬,你幹不幹?」
「假如讓你馬上死掉,給你 1000 萬,你幹不幹?」
「這就對了,你已經擁有超過1000 萬的財富,為什麼還哀怨自己貧窮呢?」老人笑吟吟地問道。



如果你從來沒有經歷過戰爭的危險、被囚禁的孤寂、受折磨的痛苦和忍饑挨餓的難受 ……

如果你的銀行帳戶有存款,錢包裡有現金,你已經身居於世界上最富有的 8%之列!






Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cambodia Trip

Climbing the steps to "heaven"...It was said that people who climbed to the top will be blessed.
The floating village for cambodian, they travel by boat mostly...
Business as usual...floating...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cambodia King's Pool

It is said that the king's of the early time Siem Riep bath here in this vast pool.
There's another one same size which will be occupied and shared by his wife/concubine...

Cool ya?

Cambodia Trip

My favorite dish-fish...yum in Malaysia, fish in Cambodia too! Call me a loyal fan! yea...

The Cambodia breakfast at Siem Riep hotel...the porridge is real good, so does the bacon, fried rice, etc...they have put these sweetener in all their food which is something like ajinomoto but you won't feel thirsty after eating it...
4 girls to Cambodia...

The family who sells us USD1 for the's not much of a good tasting banana...Malaysia's is better...we are just trying to help them.


Why Women Cry

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.

"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"

God said:

"When I made the woman she had to be special.

I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world,

yet gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."

"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

Friday, August 8, 2008


hahaha...picture said it all...
think I'll have a heart attack when 1 day I wake up and the person who's lying on the bed beside me tell me the same thing as per the photo above... will completely ruin my day...
no pun indeed or intended...

Thursday, August 7, 2008


What is it that you like doing? If you don't like it, get out of it, because you'll be lousy at it. You don't have to stay with a job for the rest of your life, because if you don't like it you'll never be successful in it. - Lee Iacocca

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Everyday of our life is a choice...when we say we don't have a choice, actually we's a choice we make to lie to ourself and console ourself that we actually don't have a choice while we can just admit that, either push or pull factor, we did make a conscious or unconscious choice...

We are who we choose to be...some people have shitty childhood and are still shitty now, because of what they choose to be...some grow up to be a shining star at their own field of specialization...

At work, when we don't feel like going to work, we choose the thoughts and the attitude/action or non-action come with it...considering when we go to work for the first day, it was all +ve energy, rearing to go attitude, so what happened now? Yes, we have gotten a hang of things being done, we are maybe a little expert in what we do, but if we choose to live everyday like the first day, the boredom and -ve attitude should not exist...

We choose to be single, intentionally or non-intentionally, consciously or unconsciously. The way our partner are is the choice we make, the way we react to them.

The relationship with our family is what we choose to be...I was mad at mum today...coz she calls me up at a bad time, but I could have choose a better way to handle it, instead of me feeling bad and hurting her emotionally, I choose to end it with an apology sms.

How 'successful or not we are, are the choices that we make everyday...or the way we react to the choices/opportunity that came...It's funny that whenever we let our emotion run, we are no better than an animal and words like "I have no choice, she make me do it" "She's a bitch, that's why I kill her" "I should have..."Human are different from animal as we are supposed to be able to think things through and make the choices on how we should react and control our emotion instead of the other way round...

Today, when I reached home early from work, I make the choices of eating nasi kerabu with sambal kerang and egg...which I have promise myself not to eat nasi after i can't blame anyone else but me as this is the choices I make. I have myself to be accounted for when I watch the Dark Knight over the internet instead of preparing for my exam and I make the choice to blog about this while it's way pass my bed time...

Internet is such a powerfull thing...I wish I will have a better control of myself when I go back to study from the way things are...I am regressing far more faster than what I hope I will not.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Random thoughts...

Amazing scenery....don't feel like sleeping now...
1. In a night like this, what's in your deepest, family, obligation, love, friends, memories?
2. Wind blowing...breeze on my face...
3. Sleeping people, sleeping town...sleeping city...sleeping mind...
Butterfly and apple...2 in 1....
1. Art...
2. food...
3. food for the soul...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lemon squeez

Both of my roommates have been on craz with was reported that lemon is really good...with all the indigestion, slimming down and detoxing purposes...for my visits to the refrigerator in our apartment, 1/4 of the fridge is filled with lemonade in various sizes of does freak me out that everyone really has taken beauty into the next level...

I always wonder to myself, if there are no guys in this world, will the word slimming for beauty even exist in these women's mind? Sometimes I do get a little self conscious but not for long though...

Recently, got a spam from the some match making internet service, out of curiosity, I sign up...without putting my picture on and wah lah...someone send me an email...I really don't know about guys...what they have in mind when they sign up for these services...1 night stand? pardon me for thinking the worst but I can tell that from his email that he's quite genuine in getting to know did what a honest person will do..I tell him everything about myself...blah blah blah...and he did entertain me by sending mail back...but later the mail become nasty and let's just say I don't really want to go through it again...

Ekkk....give me a lemon, think I need to detox....