Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Sometimes we ask ourselves too much questions that we felt paralyzed with uncertainty and fear to do what we ought to do and tend to feel.

At my age now, after so many failures (mainly coming from a few after grad exams), I finally got it, why people with so much credentials are more fearful and sensitive with how and what they do and the response they get. This is mainly because they think they have much to protect and much to lose.

I know how it feels and I know how bad it can be. From now on, I choose to leave truthfully, more truthfully than what I can. If it is not meant to be, so be it. All the glories are tying me down and weighting me down more than I ever have imagine. At least, I know who can I refer to as a model truthful with yourself, and the world will be true to you.

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