Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lemon squeez

Both of my roommates have been on craz with was reported that lemon is really good...with all the indigestion, slimming down and detoxing purposes...for my visits to the refrigerator in our apartment, 1/4 of the fridge is filled with lemonade in various sizes of does freak me out that everyone really has taken beauty into the next level...

I always wonder to myself, if there are no guys in this world, will the word slimming for beauty even exist in these women's mind? Sometimes I do get a little self conscious but not for long though...

Recently, got a spam from the some match making internet service, out of curiosity, I sign up...without putting my picture on and wah lah...someone send me an email...I really don't know about guys...what they have in mind when they sign up for these services...1 night stand? pardon me for thinking the worst but I can tell that from his email that he's quite genuine in getting to know did what a honest person will do..I tell him everything about myself...blah blah blah...and he did entertain me by sending mail back...but later the mail become nasty and let's just say I don't really want to go through it again...

Ekkk....give me a lemon, think I need to detox....

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