Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thank you

Dad, who come all the way from Malacca to treat me and give me very big ang pao...

Colleagues from work...
Big family at work
Family at KL home
Junior at Campus time
Mum & I

This post is dedicated to all my families and friends who in recent months has make me feel overwhelm with love...yes overwhelm is the word to use..."To affect deeply in mind or emotion"...

All the free lunches, dinners, gifts, lovely words of greetings offering encouragements, friendships, love, it just make me feel momentarily stunt and incapable of reacting to all these positive emotions/things...

I wish everyone will get what they want in life and for the one I love and those for love me for being just me, thank you, do take care of yourself. Keep in touch.

P/S: I'm missing some of my dear friends photos, however you know who you are and I do keep every photos of you in my mind and heart...

Thanks a lot for making my days!

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