Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday, Beer and Me....

Friday-beer and me...I really adore Friday...and I guess everyone know why, how can you not? Friday and me is just like the feeling of falling in love for the first time, no matter how many times we already met, just can't get enough of each other...

Since I've start working 4 years ago, happy hour on every Friday night has been introduced to me. I was not into beer so much at first, but the companies of my fellow a freshmen, working life and my senior are so much of interest for me...

Now that I am a senior myself, beers seems to be a good sanctuary on every friday night and something that I am looking forward to. Drinking beer alone is definitely out of question, especially for a girl..naturally I am looking forward to friends arranging for a drinking session.

Lately, due to some personal issue, I have the urge of buying a bucket of beers and just drink the night away at home...waste myself away...I am not sure why do I feel that way lately or maybe I just don't want to acknowledge the issues that I am having now...

Anyway, beers seems to be a good idea of a fun party for me now. So everyone, cheers and Bottom Up please! Yea.


s.kuan said...

don't get too wasted wei. drink too much beer will get beer belly. neways i'm old d. can't drink much.LOL

huisi said...

kuan> haha..yea..i already have a small belly...u think I don't care abt image when I met u...wait till u see the new me now...worse...haha..

i definitely got issue...